Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Sensitive and Strong

Sensitive and Strong: A Guide for Highly Sensitive Persons and Those Who Love ThemSensitive and Strong: A Guide for Highly Sensitive Persons and Those Who Love Them by Denise J. Hughes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Are you a HSP, a Highly Sensitive Person? The first time I encountered this question was from Cheri Gregory herself. I don't remember my reply to her, but I know my thought was, "Gosh, I hope not." I was borderline on the online test I took, so I felt like I wasn't. But the idea never really left me.

Fast forward a few years and a few ear surgeries. I take the online quiz again, and voila, I score much higher on the HSP scale.

I don't know if it's a combination of ear and hearing issues and my own sensitivity to certain stimuli alongside getting older, or what, but this book was a huge relief and help to me. I have often felt like there is much wrong with me, and this book has reassured me that no, I am not wrong. I am unique, I'm wired with several sensitivities, and being sensitive to certain things does NOT make me weak. Indeed, learning more about how I handle certain things has given me more confidence in myself and in how I handle certain situations.

This book offers help and hope: help with practical strategies to help in certain situations; hope that this is not a derogatory situation and we're not finished growing and changing yet!

Many thanks to Denise and Cheri for writing this book with such clarity, openness, and love. I am so grateful for you!

I was given a review copy of this book by the publisher and authors, but all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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