Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Query, query, query

I have had this idea for an article, and I need to send a query letter to Today's Christian Woman. I have intended to do this since last year, but I haven't.

Until now.

Today I got the July/August issue of TCW; in it there's a letter answered by Dr. Leslie Parrott about a woman who is dealing with her parents' divorce after decades of marriage. Dr. Parrott said in her response that she herself has dealt with this situation.

I have wanted to pitch an article about being an ACOD for probably two years or more. Now that I'm almost three years away from the original split of my parents, I feel I have enough levity to tackle it with more objectivity.

I am very nervous about the query, but I think with the books I have (Shirley Kawa-Jump's and of course Writer's Market) I should be fine. I hope.

1 comment:

Jen @ de Jong Dream House said...

Hey Pattie -
I'd love to read your article. Let me know where it lands!