Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Secret of Us

Roxanne Henke's The Secret of Us is the story of two marriages: Laura and Donnie, and Stasha (their daughter) and Josh.

I've tried to read this book several times, and several times I failed. This weekend, however, I persevered. I finished it. It was not my favorite novel. This is my first Henke book, and I felt sometimes as if I were slogging through the story. The subject matter was not dealt with lightly, and it felt as if it were being written with a heavy heart and a heavy hand. But the story is a true one. It could be true for any married couple I know, newlywed or oldlywed.

If you are looking for a serious Christian novel about how and why to save a marriage, this is your book. If you're looking for a lighthearted read, this is not the book for you.

I did like Laura and Stasha, though. They were the characters that made it worth my while to finish the novel.

I finished this book as a part of two reading challenges: TBR challenge and Spring Reading Thing.

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