Saturday, May 09, 2009

Oh Happy Day!

Today's actually sandwiched between two honoring days: Military Spouse Appreciation Day (Friday) and Mother's Day (Sunday).

So how did I celebrate? Well, Friday night I got my Mother's Day meal out; we went to dinner at Applebee's. It was really yummy.

Today (Saturday) we had a garage sale (we actually opened on Friday afternoon for a couple of hours). I felt a few twinges of guilt, because I never advertised. I piggybacked onto my neighbor's signs and ad in the paper! My sister said maybe next time I make treats I could take her some to share. I think I will.

Because we sold more than half of our stuff and made a good chunk o'change.

Plus, we have the opportunity to sell it again at the end of the month, when the local convention center is hosting a community wide rummage sale! We already paid $10 to rent a space with a table to sell our things.

So I sit here on a Saturday night, thankful and tired and content.

To my military spouse readers, thanks for all you do. All the time I learn more and more about the military life from you. And to all the moms who might stumble across this little blog, thanks for all you do.

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