Friday, October 29, 2010

Fridays are for Starbucks

For the past few weeks, on most Friday evenings you could find me at a Starbucks just a mile up the road from my daughters' dance studio. Free wifi, a latte, and my laptop. It's a night to catch up on Wives of Faith (www.wivesoffaith) post scheduling, and finding writing markets, and just playing on Facebook sometimes.

I've been working on submitting pieces for publication in magazines, both print and online, and it's not going well at all. In fact, I've toyed with quitting my accountability group altogether because I think I'm the only one who hasn't received a "yes." But I don't quit. I stick things out to the bitter end, because I made a commitment.

I won't lie; it's discouraging.

I have cheerleaders who think I am a great writer, but I have evidence to the contrary. Or rather, not much evidence of publishability.

I press on, however.

In the meantime, I've been going through paperwork and sorting recycling from what needs shredded. I've found a lot of memories within my teaching files. I've been mourning a bit, the loss of the teacher I used to be. The teacher I fear I may never be again unless pressed into service out of necessity.

On the plus side, I have a conference I'm attending the weekend of my birthday (and since turning 40 last year was tough and not a little disappointing in the celebration department, I feel like I NEED this trip), and I'm excited and thrilled to go to Dallas! It will be such fun!

So that's the haps here chez Pattie.

1 comment:

Memories of yesterday said...

Dear Pattie (((hugs))) Don't give up yet. I can imagine how discouraging it can be. I believe in you.