Sunday, October 31, 2010

So I've been scarce

I've been pretty scarce. Seems like I just don't have much to say on this blog lately. It's been interesting, this sitting out from serving year. I've been serving with Wives of Faith, an online support group, and I've been sorting and clearing paperwork at home, and I've been driving a lot more than I used to. I'm not singing on the praise team, or playing the piano, or doing all the things I used to do when my husband was a chaplain serving in a chapel.

Yep. It's been interesting.

I have also been trying to work on my freelance writing career, which has not gone as well as I had hoped, but I'm not giving up...yet.

In the meantime, I'm still here. You can just find me here instead.

1 comment:

Teri Lynne Underwood said...

Pattie, I've slowly given up all most every "role" I had in the church ... I'm down to only those things Scott has specifically asked me to do. In a way it's been freeing ... to sit and soak and pray and worship without doing a "job" ... but in other ways, I feel like I'm grieving a bit and questioning more ... wondering what service the Lord has for me now or next. Interesting is a great word for the whole experience. Thank you for sharing this today ... i think I hadn't really contemplated how I was feeling until I read this ... then it all suddenly gelled for me.