Thursday, May 12, 2011

Dining With Joy

What do you do with a cooking show host that can't cook?

You cover it up, apparently. Because Joy's the host of her own show and she can not seem to make any edible food. Her father's legacy and cooking show empire is at stake, so she and her crew continue the charade.

Enter Luke, the cook at the Frogmore Cafe (which readers of Rachel Hauck will recognize from previous novels), who is keeping Joy's secret while creating the dishes that will make her famous.

As always Rachel Hauck puts likeable heroines in impossible situations and lets the story and the romance play out. She does a great job of letting Joy's cover-up unravel with the help of one gleeful nemesis Wenda Devine, a rival cooking show chef.

The love story is well played and the spiritual lesson about truth and truth-telling is clear without being preachy. I enjoyed this novel.

Originally written for Christian Bookworm

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