I chose the title because of Nicole Johnson's first book Fresh-Brewed Life. It was one of those books that I devoured the first time I read it, and then I went back through it with my journal in hand and savored it. It is a book I've read over and over, referred to, recommended, led book clubs through, and given as a gift. I even got the mug and coffee set one year for myself for my birthday (that's the photo you see). I volunteered at Nicole's book table two years running at Women of Faith in Kansas City back in the early 2000s, and I had an absolute ball with her mom and stepdad behind the table.
You can imagine my immense joy to see that the book is now updated (Guess where some of my birthday money is going this year?).
Because I'm such a coffee fanatic, the coffee metaphor in the book spoke to me strongly and continues to do so, even now. I must choose to submit to being roasted and finely ground by God, living each day to its fullest, savoring life and relationships and friendships as much as I can. I think it's even more meaningful to me now that I am thousands of miles from the home I've always known, from my family and close friends.
I hope that my writing will encourage and inspire, but more than that, I pray that I communicate God's love through my words. I know I've spent more time whining than I ever should have . . . maybe that makes me more real, or at least gives you a glimpse that I'm far from the "Perfect Pattie" I've been accused of being! But I will keep plugging along with writing, both in practice as this month is for me, and in publication, Lord willing.
To learn more about Nicole, you can follow her on Facebook or visit her website.
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