Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Veterans Day: Pride and Gratitude

I think it's rather fitting to say "Thank You" for our military veterans and their families. Most of us spouses and families just want our service members to be honored, and many of the service members are embarrassed to be so recognized.

I think one day a year, during the month when we already celebrate Thanksgiving and express our gratitude for our many blessings, is apropos. You may not agree, and that's okay too.

Remembering my family legacy of service: Grandpa D. served in the Navy in the Japanese theater in WWII; Grandpa W. served in the Army in the European theater in WWII; Dad served in the Navy in the Vietnam War; his brother was career Army, serving both as enlisted and as an officer, in the wake of Vietnam, during the Gulf War, and in the wake of 9/11; his sister's husband served in the Army in Vietnam. My husband's family: his father served in the Air Force during Vietnam; his uncle served in the Air Force during Vietnam, then as a reservist for a full career, serving active duty for a while in the wake of 9/11; and my husband serves as an Air Force chaplain.

Today my daughter will speak at her high school's Veterans Day program. I am more proud than I can even express.

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