Saturday, October 24, 2015

Day 24: I Want to Be Your Friend {31 Days of Friendship}

Our family moves around quite a bit. With each move I must consciously make the choice to be openhearted, to be friends with women I don’t yet know, and to allow myself to know the sweet peace of safe community among sisters in Christ.

One of my most precious friendship experiences came to me at a time when I least expected it.
We were only going to be in San Antonio for a year, and I went to the base chapel’s women’s ministry because of the Bible study (Beth Moore's Esther). A beautiful and tall woman came up to me after only knowing me for a week or so and said, “I want to be your friend.” I was shocked because I was so scarred, so apprehensive about making new friendships in a temporary place. Of course I said “Sure.” What else could I say? I had never in my life had that happen to me!

When we moved to Alaska, it took awhile for me to find those women with whom I could really share. Two of those special friends came along halfway through our tenure in the 49th state. One of them was an instant heart-sisterhood, a connection like the one in the previous paragraph. We instantly bonded and knew over the course of the next couple weeks that we could trust one another implicitly. Another was also a fast friendship, and I knew right away we'd be friends when I showed her a book and she instantly lifted it closer to her face, not to read, but to sniff. (The sisterhood of book love is a thing!)

The openhearted friendships these women shared with me ended up being a balm to my scarred and tender heart, helping me to heal from the pain of the past. These relationships, all healthy ones based on our shared faith and common interests, helped make it easier for me to stay open to new friendships. God has graciously allowed the scars I have endured in friendship to heal over time. Yes, it is still difficult, when the scars are poked and prodded by the enemy. But knowing that I can make new friends in each new location (yes, even in our new location here I'm making friends) is a blessing I cannot fathom, but for which I'm forever grateful.

You can go to the first day's post and find links to the rest of my #write31days #31daysoffriendship series by clicking here.

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