Friday, May 31, 2024

It's magic.


Magical Meet CuteMagical Meet Cute by Jean Meltzer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Magical Meet Cute is the latest from Jean Meltzer, one of my favorite novelists in recent years. You can learn more about Jean on her website and social media accounts. Magical Meet Cute is so much more that its cute title and cover make it seem, and that is all because of Jean's magic (pun fully intended).

As is the case with every single one of Jean's books, what starts out as a romance or rom-com, dives deeply into relevant and difficult issues fairly early on. So many layers and nuances make this a difficult book to put down; each page reveals just a smidgen more about the characters, the community, Jewish culture (and folklore, as is the case with this story), and of course, the romance.

I don't want to spoil anything, but I do need to mention some things. (1) While there is mention of certain parts of human anatomy, there is not any overtly open-door love scene within this novel (but yes, this is a "kissing book"). (2) There is a lot to unpack about anti-Semitism in this book, and Jean holds back nothing. It's not easy reading, but it's important. (3) There is a dog! I love dogs. (Also I'm so sorry that Jean's Shadow recently passed over the rainbow bridge.) (4) A lesson learned from the book: We should trust our guts with people who seem sus.

Highly recommended!

This book will be published on August 27, 2024, and please take my advice and preorder, ask your library to order, and spread the Jewish romance joy far and wide.
Thank you to NetGalley, Harlequin Trade Publishing, and Jean herself, for a preview copy for review. All thoughts are my own.

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