Friday, August 09, 2024

New Dreams at Polkerran Point

Welcome to the Love Books Summer Extravaganza Tour for New Dreams at Polkerran Point.

Book Blurb

A surprise inheritance will open the doors to her future, and also the past…

When Aunt Meg leaves her cottage to Anna Redding in her will, Anna immediately packs up and heads to Polkerran, the Cornish fishing village where she was so happy as a child.

With ambitions to turn the cottage into a B&B, a job working for the enigmatic historian, Oliver Seymour, and the return of her childhood crush, Alex Tremayne, it seems the stars have all aligned for Anna.

But Aunt Meg left behind a mystery for her to solve, and a shocking discovery reveals she may be living a dream that isn’t really hers to hold. Can Anna rescue the new life she’s made for herself? Who in Polkerran can she really count on in her time of need?

Book Review:

I really enjoyed reading this story about Anna. Of course we love her, her cat, the grumpy neighbor, the friendly villagers who adopt Anna into their morning coffee klatch (which is held in her own kitchen?!), and her high school crush. I also enjoyed learning about her Aunt Meg and how she is still influencing Anna in good ways, even after her own death.

I thoroughly enjoyed how this story played out, and the author is very skilled at revealing just what she has to, at the time it’s needed most.

Recommended for those who love British cosy romances, which I particularly enjoy.

Thanks to Love Books Tours as well as the author and her publisher, for a review copy of this novel. All thoughts about the book are my own.


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