Friday, February 04, 2011

Milspouse Friday Fill-In

One kind word can warm three winter months.
~Japanese Proverb

MilSpouse Friday Fill-In

at Wife of a Sailor

This week’s questions are:

1. Since most of the country has had nasty weather, what has your weather been like this week?
Tricky. This is our first Texas winter. ;) To us, it seems chilly but not cold.

2. What is/are your best money saving tip(s)?
Don't eat out often. Cook at home. Shop the Commissary and use coupons.

3. What was your favorite vehicle you’ve ever owned??
In the past: our 1996 Jeep Cherokee. In the present: my 2003 Toyota RAV-4.

4. What is a question you’d like to see asked in a future fill-in? (Your question & blog just may appear one week!)
I haven't participated enough to know what's been asked already!

5. Fill in the blank: You might be a MilSpouse if….

You might be a MilSpouse if… you never know where you'll be next year.

1 comment:

Mrs. Mootz said...

I have a Rav 4 too! It is a great car!