Thursday, September 22, 2011

100 Days Left

There area 100 days left in 2011. I was going to make a list of 100 things to do over the course of those days, but that list seemed too daunting. So I whittled it down to 50 things.

Now, this is not a list of things to DO, to accomplish, exactly. I mean, some of the things are things I need to do. Things that need to be done, and then they will be complete and out of my head. Off my shoulders. Crossed and markered off my haunting, taunting ever-lovin' never-endin' to-do list!

But it's also a list including some habits I intend to cultivate. To help change my attitude, to turn my life toward service and away from my self.

Some things I'll share, some will be private, but all of them will help me be a better Pattie.

One thing I'm doing on my Facebook page is listing random Alaska facts of the day. One goal is to learn something new about my new state each day. This means I should have a nice long list when I'm finished.

I'm also dusting off my gratitude journal and working on that 1000 Gifts list again. Remembering that all is grace.

One other thing I'll be seeking is my 2012 theme.

How about you...will you have a personal challenge over the course of the last 100 days of 2011?

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