Monday, September 19, 2011

Military Life

Good morning! Welcome to my moderately-active blog about being a chaplain's wife!

My name is Pattie and I'm a military chaplain's wife, a mom of two girls (a teen and a tween), a teacher, a writer, a many hats, and only one head on which to perch them!

We recently relocated to Alaska (the Last Frontier) courtesy of the US Air Force. So lately it's been about settling in, and learning the area, and figuring out the schedule of chapel activities, dance taxi, work, etc.

I am back in the classroom this fall after 5 years outside the classroom. I love teaching again. Such a gift!

So as I stick my big toe into the blog waters again, put your link in the comments and I'll stop by when I'm not driving to the dance studio or grading essays :)

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