Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas Blog Day 6

Hi and welcome to Pattie's milspouse blog.

Today's topic: You might be a military spouse at Christmas if . . .

*you rejoice in the size of a TLF when on a mini-trip. (Seriously---our TLF at Laughlin is a duplex and bigger than our duplex at the seminary when we first got married.)

*you rejoice in being with your family and they are traveling to YOU instead of the other way around.

*you stress about wearing the same holiday clothing to multiple parties (this was me the past couple of years, because my chaplain husband was well loved and well known and gives a darn good invocation and leaves when the drinking gets going! ha!). This is not my problem this year, however. His group has one party, and I can't go.

*you get excited about military discounts (well, that's pretty much all the time, but with gift giving it's especially good this time of year).

*you feel guilty, just a little, because your husband is home and so many husbands and wives are not.

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