Friday, May 04, 2012


In the interest of full disclosure of reality in my little corner of the world (a.k.a. my office in the northwest corner of our home), I'm dashing off a little slice of written life. Keeping it real, as it were.

I'm overwhelmed. Again.

I have too much on my plate. Again.

My job and my volunteer jobs all converge on this first weekend in May to conspire to snow me under with paperwork and self-appointed duties. Combine the end of the semester, finals, research papers needing graded, our annual military spouse blog carnival at Wives of Faith, and my husband preparing for his deployment, and I'm just about done in before it even begins.

Ten days from now, it will all be over and we'll be headed full-speed-ahead into recital week (they call it "showcase" here but it's really dance recital as far as I'm concerned). On its heels will be some traveling.

All this to say, I am shoring up for a busy time, and I'm determined to finish well rather than finish frazzled.


Steph said...

You've got this!

jem126 said...

Thoughts & prayers are with you, dearheart. God bless. "This too shall pass." Love you. -Jen